"Side Impact Protection" (SIP) means protection of the infant's head against forces from aside. That is an important safeguard against the hazard of car crashes and bicycle accidents. In the past, consumer organisations did not ask, nor require such protection. Car seats were declared 'safe' without strong demands for maximum safety against all known hazards

The Side Impact Protection device is made of soft, shock absorbing material, and it is adjustable in height,
providing extra safety on the bike for babies and toddlers until ± 3 years.
The Babybike bicycle armchair is the only bike seat in the world with side impact protection!
Another safeguard against head injury from falling is provided by the carrying handle, which acts more or less as a 'cage construction', especially when the seat belts are secured tightly, and if there is enough distance between the head and the top of the handle. So this unique feature is presumably most effective when the baby is very young! In this context it is relevant that Peg Perego's new Primo Viaggio SIP also has a higher carrying handle than the previous models.
The Babybike bicycle armchair is the only bike seat in the world with a kind of cage construction!
From April 2006 this new generation Primo Viaggio SIP is part of the Babybike system.
Unlike ordinary bike seats, bicycle arm chairs offer crash impact protection !